
Philip Iezzi
CEO, System Engineer
Completed his MSc in Business Informatics at the UZH in 2004, raised Onlime Webhosting and went completely independent with Onlime GmbH in 2019, always playing around with web and server technologies, loves Linux, networking, security, Ansible, LXC, ZFS, PHP frameworks (Symfony/Laravel), Python/Flask. In his spare time he plays with his daughter, jumps into Limmat, hops on his mountain bike, goes dancing to Ecstatic Dance or balances on the slackline.

Martin Wittwer
System Engineer
Completed his BSc in computer science at the ZHAW in Winterthur in 2018, has been offering cloud services (SwissStash, MailStash) as Wittwer IT Services for years and brings a lot of know-how in the server/sysadmin area, but also puts a lot of effort into web development, both as frontend (VueJS, Vuetify) and backend (PHP/Laravel, Python/Flask) developer.
Back to the roots
The fresh lime ...
The first fruit that comes to mind in terms of medicinal uses is the reliable lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many advanced medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, has been used for ages in the treatment of various ailments.
This fruit arose from the server rooms of the computer science club of the University of Zurich (ICU), where Philip Iezzi worked as a system administrator during his studies in business informatics. It is the year 2000. Philip called his server "lime" and the citrus fruit was placed in the middle of a fruity server environment, next to banana and papaya. Every day, students were exchanging their files and only had to ask Philip: "Is it already on-lime?".
It was no big surprise when his fellow students gave Philip the domain as a birthday present back in 2003. The hosting was already born long time before, now it had a name.
... matures to a juicy fruit!
At the beginning of 2004, Philip Iezzi goes public with his company. Onlime GmbH has the goal to offer reliable and professional web hosting services - always on the cutting edge of technology and at affordable prices.
However Onlime GmbH will not intentionally keep up with the price dumping that takes place in the hosting market. A reliable service and a secured continuity take precedence.
Since 2006 Onlime GmbH runs its own server infrastructure at the data center of METANET in Zurich. The infrastructure is constantly being expanded and has now a high degree of redundancy.
As CRM and as control panel for its customers Onlime uses the in-house developed Airpane Controlpanel. Thanks to the high-quality server infrastructure, the convenient Control Panel and the sophisticated security architecture Onlime GmbH has acquired a high level of professionalism.
Now we no longer want to hold you back! Go ahead and select one of our web hosting plans that fits your need - check our product overview.
«swiss hosting» Label
The «swiss made software» label is dedicated to promoting the Swiss software industry, both at home and abroad. It combines Swiss values such as quality, reliability and precision.
The «swiss hosting» label was developed by the company swiss made software and is offered exclusively to its members. Since the cloud is still a relatively new concept, there hasn’t yet been anything specifically available to identify something as Swiss. So with this in mind, we swiss hosting was developed with the aim of creating a distinctive quality benchmark. To ensure this seal carries weight, swiss made software worked closely with its members to develop terms of use, which provide the legal framework for swiss hosting. These terms also include the option of applying sanctions in the event of abuse, which was a clear request from the members.
The following conditions must be met before a license holder can market their services with the swiss hosting logo:
- The license holder and its management must be legally and physically situated in Switzerland.
- Hosting services must be located in/running at a data center located within Switzerland. Data protection and data security requirements must be subject to Swiss law.
- Access to the hosting environment and/or the data for operation from abroad and administration by the host must be protected in such a way that data remains entirely in Switzerland and cannot be accessed or claimed by a foreign organization or government, no matter whether directly or indirectly.
Until March 2022 Onlime GmbH was a member of SWISS LABEL, but then switched to «swiss hosting» from swiss made software, as this organization has a better reputation in the industry and conducts significantly more investigations when accepting new companies. Our complete infrastructure and all data is located in Switzerland. So this label totally applies to us and we can be proud of it!